Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Costco Kind of Love

Back in July, Mr. Ballcap and I made a trip to Costco to start stocking up on things for our annual 4th of July party.  This was our second Independence Day in our home and because we have a pool, it only makes sense for us to open our home to our friends and family to have a kick-ass good time.

Now as a couple, we aren't the overly lovey-dovey types who display grandiose gestures of romaticism.  The occasional bunch of flowers or a card are sweet touches, but to me it is more of the little, unexpected, unplanned moments that really knock my socks off.
While strolling down the refrigerated aisles at Costco looking for hot dogs, he started talking about a recent conversation with his dad.  They were discussing the wedding and our relationship overall and he told his dad "She's my best friend.  She's my best bud." 

Now I know a lot of people say that their significant other is their BFF, but honestly, I've never really thought too much about it.  My girlfriends are what come to mind when discussing best friends.  But as I sit here writing this now, knowing that he feels that way about me and isn't afraid to say it outloud to others, well, it makes me feel amazing!  Hearing him say it really touched me in a surprising way and told my heart that we are truly meant to be (not that I had doubted it!).  Just those few words confirmed for me that no matter if we've been bickering or are upset, at the end of the day, he is my best bud and he is the first person I want to turn to for everything.

The hot dog aisle at Costco will never feel the same again!  Have you had a moment in an unexpected, seemingly ordinary place?

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