Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shoe Blues Part III

Who knew I could go on about shoes for 3 posts!

So after shipping the four ivory shoes back to Zappos, I was stuck.  I put the shoe decision on the back burner as I had more than enough time to figure the problem out later.  There was just one thing - I couldn't get those Caparros off my mind!  The more I looked at them, the more I knew how perfect they would be.  They had a classic look and the sequined trim made them all the more special.  Don't remember what they look like?
Image via
Even though I signed up to be notified if and when my size was back in stock, I still stalked the website and checked every day.  Only a few weeks went by and 7.5 was back in stock!  I think I did a triple or quadruple take!  I hadn't received an e-mail and was still expecting to see Out of Stock.

I immediately added them to my shopping cart and ordered them.  Once my transaction was complete, I went back and the 7.5 once again reflected Out of Stock.  I assumed someone must have returned them so they only had 1 left.  I was a little worried that they might show signs of wear or that you could tell they had been tried on a lot.

Within the week, they arrived and all worries were relieved!

What?  Doesn't everyone model their shoes on shelves?

The shoe box even contained a warning.

"ATTENTION  It is very important that you read this note.  Satin, open toe shoes will immediately show toe marks if protective hosiery is not worn.  If shoes are returns with ANY signs of toe marks, the shoes will be considered unsellable and will be returned without refund or exchange.  As a precaution, consider washing your feet prior to trying on these new shoes especially if you have been outdoors wearing open toe shoes.  Only your toes need to be protected, the included footie does not need to cover your heel.  We suggest leaving your heel bare, this will give you a better idea for how the shoe will feel and fit without hose."

Quite a thorough note!  I did try them on with the provided footie the first time around.  The warning almost scared me too much to even put them on!

Clearly my photography skills need some work and it appears that this closet mirror is way filthier than seen with the naked eye!  And check out those swollen ankles.  I'll be happy when this humidity passes.  Sitting at a desk all day and hot and humid weather aren't doing me any favors.

Regardless of the picture quality, I am so pleased with my final shoe decision.  They are the perfect shade of ivory and will really compliment my overall look for the day.

Did you flip flop on your shoe decision?

All photos personal unless otherwise noted.

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