Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Save Our Date!

I always knew I wanted to do photo Save the Dates.  I liked receiving these types in the past and hanging them on my fridge. 

Because we didn't get our engagement pictures taken until May, it was already pushing the 6 month mark by the time we settled on a design, finalized the guest list and sent them on their way.  I wish I had planned a little better and was able to spend more time on adding special touches to these, but I had to let it go.  They still turned out great!  Wanna see???

We sent our top three engagement photos to my cousin, John who designed this for us.  He made it in a 4 x 6 format so it would be easy to mail.

Because of the time crunch, MOB ordered envelopes, picked up stamps and came over to the house to help me crank these out.  We did hit one snag.  The envelopes we ordered were invitation envelopes so they were a bit narrower than a true 4 x 6.  No problem as we just trimmed the one edge of each of the pictures with a paper cutter. 

I wanted to include hotel information with our STD's so guests could make arrangements as soon as possible.  We reserved a block of hotel rooms at a location just a few minutes from our reception venue.

Most of the guests received this information on colored sheets of paper.  This was an area I wish I would have had more time to spruce up and create something with a more "wow" factor - but again, I just had to let it go!

We were finally able to debut our new return address stamp as well.

We chose to go with the wedding bells as the middle design this time around.  Can't wait to try out more!

After stuffing the envelopes, I applied the labels and MOB glue-stick sealed each envelope.  MOB was able to pick up the new Love stamps which I was pleased we got to use!

MOB dropped these off on her way back home and we started getting calls about them the very next day!

Did you have to rush through any DIY projects due to time constraints?

All personal photos.

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