Wednesday, July 13, 2011

He Put a Ring On It

September 25, 2010 seemed like any other ordinary Saturday.  Mr. Ballcap and I made plans to have my dad come over and help us with some landscaping and home repair jobs.

Unbeknown to me, while the guys returned some yard equipment, Mr. Ballcap took the opportunity to ask my dad for permission for my hand in marriage.  I always loved this tradition and it was never a question for either of us that Mr. Ballcap wouldn't ask.  My dad told him he and my mom would be honored to have him in our family.  So sweet!

The guys returned to our house and grilled up lunch.  Mr. Ballcap's phone was on the kitchen island and while he was outside, it rang.  The number on the caller ID didn’t have a name associated with it so I opened the patio door and tossed him the phone.  He answered and just kept saying “yes, uh huh, yes, ok, thank you” to the person on the other end.  When he hung up, he just mumbled that he wasn’t sure who it was – some lady rambling on and he doesn’t really remember what she said or was talking about. I was completely confused and shrugged it off as a wrong number.  

Now let me stop here for a moment to say that I typically pride myself on having fantastic instincts and have ruined many of a surprise in my time, however, on this occasion, I just went about my business and never had the slightest inkling something was up. 

Later that afternoon, the guys proceeded to work on various house projects.  I found my dad in the kitchen working on the refrigerator but Mr. Ballcap was nowhere to be found.  I asked where he was and my dad said he didn’t know.  I searched around the house and took a peak outside and noticed Mr. Ballcap's truck wasn’t in the driveway.  Where in the heck did he go – and without saying goodbye?!

Back inside I was confused and getting slightly worried.  I texted Mr. Ballcap and received no response.  Then I called – no answer.  A few minutes later he called back.  He said he was at Menard's getting a new garage door opener switch.  Made sense to me and I thought nothing further of it.

That evening, after my dad left, I settled into my favorite spot on the couch.  Mr. Ballcap headed down the stairs towards me and asked “Ya know what I’ve been thinking?”  Now of course my sarcastic self retorted “Oh boy, now what?”  He came over to me, knelt down next to the couch and pulled a small box out from behind his back.  All at once, a million thoughts swirled around in my head – Oh my gosh!  This is it!   I can’t believe he’s proposing at home!  I look like a bum!  I’m in sweatpants!

After I allowed myself to focus back on the moment, he opened  the box and asked “Will you marry me?”  I believe my first words were “Are you serious?!”  Tears welled up in my eyes and I gave him an affirmative “Yes! Yes! Of course!”  I was in full on cry mode at this point and he slid the ring on my finger and we hugged and kissed.

He later told me he hid the ring in our garage but couldn’t stand knowing it was out there.  He only had the ring for about 3 hours or so before he proposed.  I loved that he couldn’t hold on to it for very long and just had to ask me!  Mr. Ballcap was later concerned we didn't have some grand, romantic proposal story but I told him there was no need to worry about that.  I love our story.  We'll always have the memory of that proposal in our first home together, and that, I think, is very romantic!

How long did your significant other have the ring before proposing?

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