Sunday, July 31, 2011

Impulse Buys

The wedding is 4 MONTHS AWAY!  Saying that out loud incites a panic attack inside my head but I'm still keeping cool for now. 

With the time ticking away faster and faster, I find myself having the need to snatch up anything that crosses my line of site that could even remotely be used for the wedding.  So far, my impulse buys have worked out or will be used, but I need to get these in check in order to stay within my budget. 

My recent grab?  Just a small $170 purchase. . .

Image via Ugg

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Shoe Blues Part III

Who knew I could go on about shoes for 3 posts!

So after shipping the four ivory shoes back to Zappos, I was stuck.  I put the shoe decision on the back burner as I had more than enough time to figure the problem out later.  There was just one thing - I couldn't get those Caparros off my mind!  The more I looked at them, the more I knew how perfect they would be.  They had a classic look and the sequined trim made them all the more special.  Don't remember what they look like?
Image via

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Monday, July 25, 2011

Shoe Blues Part II

After deciding that maybe I wasn't a colored shoe bride after all, I switched to looking at ivory shoes. 

One of the first things my MOH (maid of honor) Sister did when I had found my dress was to send me a picture of these:

Caparros Meaghan via

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Taking the Cake

The cake has always been one of the more important things for me during the planning process.  I love beautifully decorated cakes and the artistry behind them.  I've been known to watch marathon sessions of Food Network Challenge!  However, choosing the right vendor who could pull of the look and taste we wanted was causing me a bit of stress.

At the various bridal expos I attended early on in the planning stages, I kept running across a bakery that had recently opened in the Northwest, Indiana region (names will not be mentioned to protect the innocent or not-so innocent).  Their display booths were bright and fun and the photos of their cakes blew my mind.  This place definitely had some talent.  I took their business card and brochure and was certain I'd be meeting with them in the future.

MOB did a little leg-work on her own and mentioned this bakery to lady she works with.  The verdict?  Two big thumbs down!  I was in shock!  My mom's co-worker had attended 2 weddings that used this bakery for their cakes, and while the cakes looked stunning, they tasted awful!  The flavors were not good and the cake was dry.  My heart sank at the news.

However, said co-worker had attended other weddings with amazing cake results - taste and good looks!  She recommended a woman named Linda who has been making wedding cakes out of her home for years.  Her prices are reasonable, the cakes are beautiful and the taste is fantastic.  I couldn't have asked for a better review!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Save Our Date!

I always knew I wanted to do photo Save the Dates.  I liked receiving these types in the past and hanging them on my fridge. 

Because we didn't get our engagement pictures taken until May, it was already pushing the 6 month mark by the time we settled on a design, finalized the guest list and sent them on their way.  I wish I had planned a little better and was able to spend more time on adding special touches to these, but I had to let it go.  They still turned out great!  Wanna see???

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Meet Virginia

I heard this Train song on the drive to Miss Pamela's.  It must have been fate.

Video via

Friday, July 15, 2011

Return to Sender

Our return address stamp has arrived!

I had a promotion code at the time of my order so I received the Life's a Beach die set as a free gift.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Saying Yes to the Dress (Salon)

After our September engagement, I was in no hurry to rush out and try on dresses.  Now don't get me wrong, I couldn't have been more excited about finding "the one."  It was more the prospect of actually trying on the gowns that made me so hesitant.

As a plus size bride, it isn't easy to find a bridal salon you can walk into and try on a dress that fits.  Samples don't generally run up into the 16's, 18's or 20's.  The idea of having to purchase a dress without seeing what it really looked like on my body scared the crap out of me.

My mom came to the rescue and found Miss Pamela's.  Miss Pamela's is a plus size bridal salon in Rochester, Indiana specializing in only plus size bridal and prom gowns.  The salon carries brands such as Jasmine, Maggie Sottero, Allure, Mary's and more.  A 2.5 hour drive was no obstacle for the chance to walk into a salon and try on any dress I liked.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Ring My Bell

While browsing the Weddingbee classifieds several months ago, I ran across this post.  The bride was selling items used in her winter wedding and one of the pictures showed 2 sparkle navy baskets.  I was less interested in the baskets themselves and more interested in what was inside the baskets. 

Image via

I was curious what the bells were used for as I couldn't read the tags.  I e-mailed the seller and she responded they had used the bells after their ceremony.  Each guest grabbed a bell on their way out of the church and when she and her new husband exited, everyone rang the bell.  This was her alternative to the bubbles, rice or confetti post-ceremony toss.

Now I had been racking my brain up until this point for ideas for our church exit.  Being that it is going to be cold outside, bubbles were out, and the church doesn't allow for things to be thrown if there is clean-up required.  I wanted something that would be quick and would fit in with the season.  These were perfect!

He Put a Ring On It

September 25, 2010 seemed like any other ordinary Saturday.  Mr. Ballcap and I made plans to have my dad come over and help us with some landscaping and home repair jobs.

Unbeknown to me, while the guys returned some yard equipment, Mr. Ballcap took the opportunity to ask my dad for permission for my hand in marriage.  I always loved this tradition and it was never a question for either of us that Mr. Ballcap wouldn't ask.  My dad told him he and my mom would be honored to have him in our family.  So sweet!

The guys returned to our house and grilled up lunch.  Mr. Ballcap's phone was on the kitchen island and while he was outside, it rang.  The number on the caller ID didn’t have a name associated with it so I opened the patio door and tossed him the phone.  He answered and just kept saying “yes, uh huh, yes, ok, thank you” to the person on the other end.  When he hung up, he just mumbled that he wasn’t sure who it was – some lady rambling on and he doesn’t really remember what she said or was talking about. I was completely confused and shrugged it off as a wrong number.  

Now let me stop here for a moment to say that I typically pride myself on having fantastic instincts and have ruined many of a surprise in my time, however, on this occasion, I just went about my business and never had the slightest inkling something was up. 

Later that afternoon, the guys proceeded to work on various house projects.  I found my dad in the kitchen working on the refrigerator but Mr. Ballcap was nowhere to be found.  I asked where he was and my dad said he didn’t know.  I searched around the house and took a peak outside and noticed Mr. Ballcap's truck wasn’t in the driveway.  Where in the heck did he go – and without saying goodbye?!

Back inside I was confused and getting slightly worried.  I texted Mr. Ballcap and received no response.  Then I called – no answer.  A few minutes later he called back.  He said he was at Menard's getting a new garage door opener switch.  Made sense to me and I thought nothing further of it.

That evening, after my dad left, I settled into my favorite spot on the couch.  Mr. Ballcap headed down the stairs towards me and asked “Ya know what I’ve been thinking?”  Now of course my sarcastic self retorted “Oh boy, now what?”  He came over to me, knelt down next to the couch and pulled a small box out from behind his back.  All at once, a million thoughts swirled around in my head – Oh my gosh!  This is it!   I can’t believe he’s proposing at home!  I look like a bum!  I’m in sweatpants!

After I allowed myself to focus back on the moment, he opened  the box and asked “Will you marry me?”  I believe my first words were “Are you serious?!”  Tears welled up in my eyes and I gave him an affirmative “Yes! Yes! Of course!”  I was in full on cry mode at this point and he slid the ring on my finger and we hugged and kissed.

He later told me he hid the ring in our garage but couldn’t stand knowing it was out there.  He only had the ring for about 3 hours or so before he proposed.  I loved that he couldn’t hold on to it for very long and just had to ask me!  Mr. Ballcap was later concerned we didn't have some grand, romantic proposal story but I told him there was no need to worry about that.  I love our story.  We'll always have the memory of that proposal in our first home together, and that, I think, is very romantic!

How long did your significant other have the ring before proposing?

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Stamp Traveller

I'm looking forward to having our return address stamp travel all over the country greeting our guests.  I had spent more than enough time on Etsy drooling over amazing custom return stamps such as:

Emilie Friday Calligraphy via

Glitter Puff's Shop on

Note Trunk's Shop on

Monday, July 11, 2011

Flower Alternatives

As I've mentioned, I really wanted to try and save money in the flower department.  I was thinking of alternatives for the bridesmaid bouquets but I'm not a big fan of the faux silk flower look so I didn't really want to head in that direction.  Then, at a bridal expo in Valparaiso in mid-January, I found this:

(Personal Photo)

One of the local vendors had this crystal bead bouquet on display.  The more I looked at it, the more I thought it would fit in with our overall look and it would add a festive touch to the bridesmaids' ensambles.  But at around $100 a pop, there was no way this would be a cheaper alternative to flowers. 

So with a picture in hand, my mom and I went about searching the internet for DIY versions.  Offbeat Bride has a great tutorial for making these and after reading through the instructions, I knew we could handle this project and save some $$$ in the process!

Have you seen this?!

Image via

Image via

 This takes the sparkler send-off to a whole other level! 

You can't go on any wedding blog worth its salt without seeing gorgeous sparkler send-offs such as:

Image via Photo by EVS Media

Sigh - so lovely.  

However, the more I think about it, the heart sparkler probably isn't as practical.  It won't burn long enough and the heart shape isn't really going to come through clearly in "sparks" once lit.  These would,  however, be adorable to top off cupcakes or petit fours!

We won't be having a sparkler send-off but our guests will be seeing sparks before the end of the night! (I'm not talking about this Sparks although she is grogeous!)

Image via Photo by averyhouse

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Our Engagement Pictures!

We only had to wait four days until we received our engagement pictures.  I couldn't rip open the envelope and boot up the computer fast enough.

I won't keep anyone in suspense and share the goodies right away!

(All images owned by the Sunhats and photos taken by Stephen Martin Photography.)

This is our absolute favorite photo.  Wrigley was so good!  Stephen, our photographer, just had us call her over and he handled the rest.  Right before he snapped a picture, he would ask "Wrigley - you wanna treat?!" and she'd look right at him! 

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Flower Power

I love flowers - I really do.  I enjoy seeing all of the bright blooms as the weather warms up and a surprise bouquet from Mr. Ballcap is always welcomed and appreciated.

What I don't love about flowers, specifically wedding flowers, is the COST.  I'm trying to cut costs in our budget where ever I can.  It's become a bit of a game for me actually.  I have a pretty solid budget set up for our wedding, but if I can get the final tally to be under the estimate, I will jump for joy!  To me, flowers seemed like a really good area to save money on. 

We have already decided on a design for the boutonnieres that requires no flowers (based upon my NYE inspiration post!) so we are already saving there.  My mom and I also have an idea for no-flower bouquets for my girls.  Once this DIY project gets under way, I'll be sure to share.

So what about me?  I originally envisioned carrying a large all white / ivory bouquet somewhat resembling a big snow ball.  That vision was soon trumped when I ran across the likes of these:

Saturday, July 2, 2011

A Costco Kind of Love

Back in July, Mr. Ballcap and I made a trip to Costco to start stocking up on things for our annual 4th of July party.  This was our second Independence Day in our home and because we have a pool, it only makes sense for us to open our home to our friends and family to have a kick-ass good time.

Now as a couple, we aren't the overly lovey-dovey types who display grandiose gestures of romaticism.  The occasional bunch of flowers or a card are sweet touches, but to me it is more of the little, unexpected, unplanned moments that really knock my socks off.