Tuesday, September 13, 2011

A Homemade Shower

Earlier this week, I received this in the mail:

An invitation to my first shower!  I couldn't get over how pretty the invitations turned out.  MOB and MOH made each and every one of them.

They even added a touch of sparkle and I love how the wedding dress has a pearl sheen and design to it.

Had to blur names and addresses.

Just flip open the dress to find all the details!  MOB borrowed my Silhouette and used that to cut out all of the dresses.  She really got creative with these.  Some of them are stamped with "I Do" instead of the ring in the bottom left corner and the "Wedding Shower" at the top is embossed. 

I've already received a few e-mails from people telling me how beautiful they thought the invitations were and I couldn't agree more!  I know MOB, MOH and several other ladies have already put in a lot of work preparing for the shower and I couldn't feel more blessed.  My mom's side of the family is pretty large so there could be 60 - 70 ladies at this shindig.  Yikes!  But I am so excited to see everyone all together.

Were you surprised by your shower invitation? 

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