Thursday, September 22, 2011

100 Days and Counting . . .

Yep.  It's official.  We are 100 days out from the wedding.  Holy crapola. 

This is the perfect time to take inventory - what is done, what is in process, and what is left to do?  I've been keeping you pretty updated on what is done so I'll share some of the projects still in process.

First up:  Invitations

We've been making a lot of progress on the invitations.  The actual invites are almost done - just need to secure the vellum cover on top with ribbon - and this Sunday we hope to crank out the reception and RSVP cards.  I hope I'm not jinxing myself, but this process has gone smoothly so far. 

My bouquet. 

All the brooches have been wired into stems.  I even found a couple of brooches in my late grandmother's jewelry box I was able to add in.  Now I just have to assemble the bouquet.  I hope to complete it this Sunday as well.  This photo just shows everything bundled together by hand.  I wasn't sure I had enough brooches, but yeah, I have plenty!

Personalized clock.

MOB found this great clock at Wal-Mart.  I've dis-assembled it but haven't personalized it with our names yet.  We hope to display this on the our NYE table full of hats and horns.

Decorative letters.

I picked these letters up at Joann Fabrics last week.  Their letters are on sale through the end of the month.  I have plans of transforming these into a glittering decor element. 

My to-do list. 

This has been a pain in the ass.  Mostly because I can't get the darn thing to stay stuck to the wall!  We recently painted our home office and I didn't really want to use tacks to hang this up.  I haven't even been doing a very good job at keeping it updated as several of these items need to be crossed off.  And I apologize if you can make out the top two items on the list.  Mr. Ball Cap thinks he is so funny!  I really dislike this list only because it is pretty ugly and uninspiring.  By the end of the weekend, I hope to make a cuter and more motivating list.  Oh, and I obviously can't spell too well as there are several typos on this list including Center Pieces  That became Centier - which is the name of my bank.  Doh!

I can feel a knot in my stomach now that we are about to dip into double digits. I know things will get done, and those that don't, weren't important anyway.  I'm praying that I can keep calm and keep pushing hard to get projects done sooner than later.  And if I can accomplish that without snapping on Mr. BC too many times, we'll be a happy little couple! 

How is your to-do list coming along?  Do you have it hanging somewhere to keep you motivated?

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