Monday, September 19, 2011

The Great Escape

We are quickly approaching the 100 day countdown to the Sunhat / Ball Cap wedding.  I'm trying not to freak out about going into double digits.

The last couple of months have been quite hectic and stressful for us.
  • We lost my grandma in early August
  • My other grandmother's Alzheimer's has gotten severely worse in the past month and she is still in the hospital
  • September 15th was a busy tax deadline for me
  • Mr. BC has been on a new job hunt for quite some time
  • I'm on a diet (that's a story for a whole other post!)
  • My car's alternator decided to go out on me (but at 148,000 miles, things are bound to happen)
  • The wedding list isn't getting any shorter
I'm in no way trying to be a big baby whiner here.

Image via

Life happens whether you are planning a wedding or not.  Unfortunately, I'm not always the best at managing my stress.  So what's a boy and girl to do?  Run away of course!  Well not forever, but a weekend away was long overdue.

Early Saturday, the 17th, we dropped Wrigley off at her Aunt and Uncle's house and we headed Northeast to Coldwater, Michigan.  Those darn Pure Michigan commercials and radio ads had stuck with me.  I logged onto and saw that Coldwater was having their annual Applefest and that the town had a drive-in movie theater!  A 2.5 hour drive wasn't too bad and we didn't care if we ended up doing nothing at all - it was an escape.

Coldwater is a super cute, small, historical town in South Central, Michigan.  When we arrived, we drove right through the middle of town and found the Applefest.  There were approximately 150 vendors selling food and crafts.  We picked up a bag of apples, a caramel apple for me, caramel corn for him, and a couple of bottles of cider.  Yum! 

After about an hour and a half of walking around, we grabbed some lunch, had some cocktails and watched some college football.  It felt great not worrying about a thing. 

We checked into our hotel, (Hampton Inn), and I surprised Mr. BC with the room I had booked.

Oh yeah - that's a hot tub!

Just a standard room - except for the hot tub!  (Side note:  that green wall was kinda awful - would have totally gone with a different shade or color.)  The hot tub was awesome, however, it relaxed us almost too much!  We never did make it to the drive-in, which I'm a little sad about now, but we were so relaxed / tired and had a fantastic pizza from a joint in town (Tail Gators) that we really didn't miss it.   

This getaway was much needed and did wonders for us both.  I feel re-energized and ready to tackle the wedding list with a vengeance (and shop for a new car).  I think it is important, and imperative to your sanity, to stop and re-charge your own batteries sometimes. 

Have you taken a wedding planning break or planned a wedding-free zone getaway?

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