Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Trade Show Jackpot

On Friday, July 22nd, MOB and I had a mother daughter day and went to another of Transworld's Jewelry, Fashion and Accessories show.  I first discussed the show in this post, and we wanted to go to another to see what other wedding goods we could find.

Going on a Friday was a great choice.  The doors opened at 9:30 and we arrived about 20 minutes early.  We waited in a makeshift line and made a game plan on which way to go first.  As the crowd filed in, we were handed some free goodies:

Headbands and Hello Kitty barrettes!  These were provided by one of the vendors and was a nice way to start off our day.  There was also a table of free beads (Pandora style) that were first come first serve.  My future MIL wears this style of necklace so my mom and I gave our beads to her - she loved them!

We made our way to the right towards the jewelry and bead section of the show.  Within 30 seconds, I spotted a vendor with LOTS of bling and a bracelet caught my eye.  This bangle had the right amount of sparkle and pearls and I knew it would look great with my dress.  $7 you say?  SOLD!

I like that the pearls aren't a brilliant white and that this is a bangle rather than an elastic, tight fitting bracelet.

I hoped to find a few more brooches during this trip for my brooch bouquet and came away with these:

These are obviously rings, but I can easily attach a pin back or the floral wire and they will work like a charm.  I needed to add some pearls to the brooch collection I have going so I was happy to find them.  The second ring is actually like a cage and it has pearls that move loosely inside!

I walked away with a few more wedding things but I think I'll leave those as a surprise for later - don't want to give away everything!

Of course I couldn't resist purchasing non-wedding related items!

This head wrap at $10 was too cute to pass up.  I love the color and I can't resist hats, earmuffs, scarves or wraps - I am Miss Sunhat after all!  This will work great during Chicago's cold winters.

I love these darn dips!  I pick up at least 5 every time we go.  The San Jose Jalapeno was a huge hit at our 4th of July party so I bought 2 to stock up.

Mr. Ballcap's niece and goddaughter, also our Jr. Bridesmaid, loves anything zebra print or peace signs.  I found these cute bracelets at an all $1 booth and couldn't pass up spoiling her.

MOB and I had a great day together - it was so nice finally having some one-on-one time to do wedding stuff. 

I was able to snap a couple of pics during the show - I felt a little awkward whipping my camera out but now I regret not taking more!

These feather earrings must be the next big thing - we saw them everywhere.  

Pashminas!  This vendor has at least 3 or 4 large tables just full of them.  I wanted to find a nice silver or dark grey that would look great with my maids' dresses.  Can you believe they were the only colors they didn't have?!  I was a little bummed but I have plenty of other ideas for gifts for my girls.  

If you are ever in the Chicagoland area during one of these quarterly shows, I highly recommend attending!  They are a lot of fun and there is so much to see.

Where have you hit the wedding goods jackpot?

All personal photos.

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