Wednesday, August 3, 2011

How Me Became We - Part I

I think I owe you an explanation on how this couple came to be!

After graduating from college in December, 2001, I started my accounting career at the height of tax season.  I was lucky enough to join a firm with a fairly large department of young accountants.  I made lifelong friends fast and spent the next 7 years having a ball.  In 2003, the housing market was primed for young buyers so I purchased my first home.  Life was good.  I was having so much fun, but had no one special to share my life with. 

My friends started to get married and have children and I found myself wanting the same.  The circle of people in my life was pretty tight and after going to the same restaurants, clubs, etc., week after week, meeting someone new was proving difficult.

So what is a modern, independent woman to do?  Turn to the Internet of course!  I decided it was time to put myself out there and start meeting people outside of my everyday routine.  I doubled my efforts by joining a dating service and e-Harmony.

Within the first few months of joining the dating service, I realized it was probably a mistake.  My experiences with that were quite comical and I met several characters that did not play well into my life at all.  It did, however, become clear to me what I was really looking for in a partner and that these people were not fitting the bill.

My e-Harmony membership was only for 3 months.  I hadn't really connected with anyone, but around the start of month 3, I got a 'wink' from a cute guy.  In his picture, he had on a backwards baseball cap, and ladies, I don't know about you, but that just totally does it for me for some reason!  I 'smiled' back at him and we struck up an e-mail conversation.  We decided fairly quickly that we wanted to meet so we set up a date.

Mr. Ball Cap and I met in person in August, 2008.  Our first date went very well and a couple of weeks later, I asked him out to my neck of the woods to go tailgating for a Notre Dame football game. 

Our first photo together! Photo by Bridesmaid S.

It was a fun day, but the combo of sun and alcohol really did us in!  By the end of the night, I wasn't feeling well and I woke up with a full blown head cold.  I then did the worst thing possible and started sabotaging myself.  I second guessed how I was feeling about this guy and was pretty sure I just wasn't into him (crazy right?!). 

Like a fool, I broke it off with a guy who treated me great and clearly liked me.  Real smart.  I got spooked and I almost immediately regretted my decision, but I was too proud and couldn't imagine how to undo my wrong.

So how did these two crazy kids end up together?  Stay tuned!

Did you ever foolishly push your significant other away?

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