Friday, August 24, 2012

Made in the Shade: Our Catholic Ceremony-Conclusion & Recessional

After our first kiss, our Sister-in-Law returned to the podium and read the Prayers of the Faithful.  These prayerful petitions remind us not to forget the needs of others in the world.  Seven were read during the ceremony including:

For those who are sick, lonely, discouraged,
or oppressed that they may be strengthened
by God's help and aided by their friends,
let us pray to the Lord.

Response:  Lord hear our prayer.

Mr. Ball Cap's Aunts brought up the Offertory and Father blessed the gifts.

We recited The Lord's Prayer and then it was time for the Sign of Peace.  Mr. Ball Cap and I stepped down and shook hands with our parents and bridal party.

For Communion, we chose one of my favorite hymns, One Bread, One Body.

Organ version via

In planning our Catholic ceremony, there was one tradition that was very important for me to include - Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.  In the Catholic religion, Mary, the mother of Jesus, is a role model for the Catholic bride, as she will strive to mirror Mary's perfect love for God and devotion to her family. Through prayer and the laying of flowers, the Devotion serves as a ceremony that requests the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary for guidance and blessings of the Lord.

I asked a close high school friend to sing Ave Maria during this portion of our ceremony.  It made the moment all the more special having an important person in our lives sing such a beautiful and moving song. 

Mr. Ball Cap and I made our way over to the statue of the Blessed Mother and I presented her with flowers.  As the song continued, I was overcome with emotion and thought of my two grandmothers who weren't able to be there with us that day.

I was later told by a guest that when they saw me put my head on Mr. Ball Cap's shoulder, they lost it.  It was a moving moment for everyone and I'm so happy we included it.

We returned to the Altar and the Mass was ending.  Father gave his final blessings, and our Recessional, Mendelssohn's Wedding March, rang through the church.

Video via

I think this is the only shot of my shoes ON my feet!

Up Next:  Our Church Exit

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