Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Made in the Shade: Formal Portraits

Our photographer was on the ball and our formal shots were completed quickly and efficiently.

Warning:  Major picture heavy post ahead!

Mr. Ball Cap and I were up first.

 Love the color contrast on this one.

This is one of my favorites from the day.

Then it was our bridal party's turn to get in on the action.

Fabulous shot.  We had a pretty large group and this captures everyone well.

Me and my ladies.  Their bouquets really popped against their dark dresses.

What a stud. 

I'm so short compared to these tall fellas!

Finally, our family joined us.

 Mr. Ball Cap's dad and Mom P.

 My new family!

Mr. Ball Cap's mom and stepdad.

My grandpa.  There are no words to say how happy we were that he was there with us. 

 This one makes me tear up every time. 

My parents.

 My mom has this one of our family blown up on a large canvas in her living room.

 Up Next:  A Few More Special Shots

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