Thursday, August 30, 2012

Made in the Shade: A Few More Special Shots

Many, many years ago, Mr. Ball Cap's grandparents were married in the very same church we had just said our vows.  On that day, they took a beautiful photo in the entrance to the church.  When Mr. BC's brother was married in 2010, they recreated this photo, and his parents requested we do the same.  The end result is a trio of amazing kisses in time.

From left to right:  Mr. Ball Cap and I, BC's grandparents, and BC's brother and SIL.

I never had the pleasure of meeting BC's grandparents, but we felt them with us there in that moment.
It was turning dark and the rest of our bridal party was already on the party bus.  MOB helped me into the cape she made for the day.

 The wind was starting to pick up.

 Another favorite from the day.  Love how the veil looks!

One quick shot before the bus rolls out.  Drinks in hand - it's time to party!

Up Next:  Second Location Pictures

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