Sunday, August 26, 2012

Made in the Shade: Church Exit

Since we didn't have a first look, any formal pictures of Mr. Ball Cap and I together had to wait until after the ceremony.  Seeing that these could take a while, and we didn't want our guests to be waiting on us, we did a "faux" exit after the ceremony.

After Mr. BC and I made it to the end of the aisle, we snuck off into a side room at the back of the church to wait until everyone had exited. (We may have gotten in a few more kisses during this time!)  As our guests walked out, a friend of the family passed out the bells I had made many months before.  When the coast was clear, our photographer came and got us and we were able to capture some fun exit shots.

Watch your step!  I think everyone was holding their breath that I wouldn't trip!

 Ring those bells people!

It was great to see everyone's smiling faces. 

As you can see, several guests have coats on, but it really wasn't super cold that day.  We didn't get the snow we wanted, but were blessed with mild weather and no rain.

Are you hoping to capture exit pictures on your wedding day?  Are you passing anything out to your guests?  What's the new hot item for this tradition?

Up Next: Formal Portraits

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