Thursday, August 30, 2012

Made in the Shade: A Few More Special Shots

Many, many years ago, Mr. Ball Cap's grandparents were married in the very same church we had just said our vows.  On that day, they took a beautiful photo in the entrance to the church.  When Mr. BC's brother was married in 2010, they recreated this photo, and his parents requested we do the same.  The end result is a trio of amazing kisses in time.

From left to right:  Mr. Ball Cap and I, BC's grandparents, and BC's brother and SIL.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Made in the Shade: Formal Portraits

Our photographer was on the ball and our formal shots were completed quickly and efficiently.

Warning:  Major picture heavy post ahead!

Mr. Ball Cap and I were up first.

 Love the color contrast on this one.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Made in the Shade: Church Exit

Since we didn't have a first look, any formal pictures of Mr. Ball Cap and I together had to wait until after the ceremony.  Seeing that these could take a while, and we didn't want our guests to be waiting on us, we did a "faux" exit after the ceremony.

After Mr. BC and I made it to the end of the aisle, we snuck off into a side room at the back of the church to wait until everyone had exited. (We may have gotten in a few more kisses during this time!)  As our guests walked out, a friend of the family passed out the bells I had made many months before.  When the coast was clear, our photographer came and got us and we were able to capture some fun exit shots.

Watch your step!  I think everyone was holding their breath that I wouldn't trip!

Friday, August 24, 2012

Made in the Shade: Our Catholic Ceremony-Conclusion & Recessional

After our first kiss, our Sister-in-Law returned to the podium and read the Prayers of the Faithful.  These prayerful petitions remind us not to forget the needs of others in the world.  Seven were read during the ceremony including:

For those who are sick, lonely, discouraged,
or oppressed that they may be strengthened
by God's help and aided by their friends,
let us pray to the Lord.

Response:  Lord hear our prayer.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Made in the Shade: Our Catholic Ceremony-Vows, Rings and a Kiss

Hive, I have a bit of a confession.  Maybe I'm not the only one, but I feel pretty silly about it. 

I kind of forgot about the part of the ceremony where we say our vows. 

Now, obviously I knew we were going to say vows, but after choosing the version we wanted during a meeting with our Priest, they never really crossed my mind again!  We weren't writing our own and we didn't go over them during rehearsal.  The weeks leading up to the wedding were filled with final details and I knew Father would guide us through the ceremony, so I never went through it in my mind. 

After Father's homily, he asked us to turn towards one another and join our right hands.  I immediately had a brief flash of panic.  This was it!  It was time to say our vows.  How could I not have thought about this beforehand?  However, by not going over that moment in my head, the emotions and feelings were natural and raw.

Monday, August 20, 2012

Made in the Shade: Our Catholic Ceremony - Readings

There was no question that Mr. Ball Cap and I would have a traditional, Catholic ceremony.  We were both raised in the Catholic Church, attended private Catholic grade school, and are active members in our church community. 

Father began Mass with the opening prayer:

Almighty God,
hear our prayers for Sunhat and Ball Cap
who have come here today
to be united in the sacrament of marriage.
Increase their faith in you and in each other,
and through them bless your Church.
We ask you this through our Lord . . . Amen

We asked Bridesmaid K's son, (MOB's Godson), to read the Old Testament reading.