Sunday, July 1, 2012

Made in the Shade: Hair and Makeup

The morning of the wedding, I woke up excited and refreshed.  It was super early, but I had slept well.  I typed out my wedding day post to the Hive and anxiously waited for my sister to wake up. 

First stop of the day was McDonald's for some wedding morning breakfast and then we were off to Mr. Ball Cap's cousin's home as she would be doing both our hair for the day.

Sister gettin' prettified (personal photo)

Workin' on my bridal 'do (personal photo)

For some reason, I do not have an up close picture of just my hair!  Future photos will show more of the detail but I do wish I had a closer picture of the back to share with you.

By the time we made it back home, my mom had arrived, and bridesmaids started trickling in along with the makeup artist. 

The makeup artist did an excellent job.  She worked well off of my inspiration photos and made me feel like the most beautiful version of myself for the day.*

One of my favorite photos of the day.

As my makeup was being done, my bridesmaids were getting dressed and jewelry was added.

MOB helping the girls get ready. 

Bridesmaid Y with her necklace.

I loved having my important ladies with me while getting ready.  It was a fun and light atmosphere and the perfect start to an amazing day.

Up Next:  I get dressed!

*I had every intention of linking to my makeup artist's business website, however, an unfortunate incident has caused me to omit her information.  After my wedding, she was recommended to a family friend who booked her services.  The artist chose to double book and accept a higher paying job on the same day.  She notified our friend, a few weeks prior to the event, that she'd only be able to do her makeup at 7 am the day of her afternoon wedding and not at the originally scheduled time.  I now no longer feel comfortable giving a further recommendation.

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