Thursday, July 12, 2012

Made in the Shade: Walking to the Altar

The guests were seated and it was time to start the ceremony.  Promptly at 3:00 p.m., our organist began to play and the bridal party started their procession.

Please feel free to listen along!
Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring

The groom's parents

My mom escorted by the Best Man

Mr. Ball Cap's friend and niece

Mr. BC's cousin and my long time friend

Another cousin of the groom and Bridesmaid Y

Mr. Ball Cap's cousin and sister

Friends of bride and groom

Mr. Ball Cap's and my childhood BFF's

Our siblings - Best Man and Maid of Honor

The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy.  It was finally my turn!  I got a little ahead of myself and stepped into the doorway before the aisle runner was even brought down.  My dad was worried I was going to trip over the excess at the end of the aisle but I was too excited to care.  The music changed, I stepped over the end of the runner, and we were on our way.  A quick glance down at my grandmother's rosary around my bouquet calmed all my nerves.

Trumpet Voluntary

I didn't notice another soul - only Mr. Ball Cap.  I was floating down the aisle and there was such a peaceful, joyful feeling.

I reminded dad several times to make sure the blusher was flipped entirely over my head and not stuck or bunched on top!

Giving me away.

I was so happy to finally be back in Mr. Ball Cap's arms.  He looked so surprised and told me how beautiful I was.  I will never forget the look on his face. 

We took our position at the altar and the ceremony began.

Up Next:  Our Catholic Ceremony

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