Friday, June 29, 2012

Made in the Shade: Gifts of Thanks

After the rehearsal dinner, Mr. Ball Cap and I took a moment to thank everyone for all they had done to help make this moment possible for us.  We wanted to especially thank our parents and bridal party for their involvement and I was so excited to finally share the gifts we had gotten them all!

My girls received the following:

Matching earrings and necklace purchased on eBay.

Snowflake brooch purchased a the jewelry and fashion show.

Sequin edged scarf to help keep shoulders warm, purchased at Macy's.

For the parents, each received a handkerchief that I had emroidered with custom phrases.

Each handkerchief also included an embroidered snowflake, as pictured below, and the women's were even edged in lace.

To remember the day
you gave me away.
Love, Lisa
December 31, 2011

My mother's read:
To dry your tears
as you have always
dried mine.
Love, Lisa
December 31, 2011
Mr. Ball Cap's Father's:

You've raised a boy into a man,
A Father's job well done.
And for that I will always be,
A very grateful son.
Love, Edward
December 31, 2011

For Mr. BC's mom, stepmom, and stepdad:

May joy be in your tears today
as you share in our wedding day.
Love, Edward and Lisa
December 31, 2011

I cried when I ordered these, I cried when I got them in the mail, and everyone cried when they opened them.  It was one of my favorite moments of the weekend.  My uncle even got choked up when he read each of my parent's hankies.  I couldn't have been more happy with Chrissy's Creations work.

We also gifted Mr. BC's stepdad with a pocket knife and the other parents received:

Bracelets for the moms.

Cuff links for the dads

The groomsmen and ushers received a rosewood finished box set including a 7 oz. flask, poker cards and 5 dice. 

The gifts didn't even scratch the surface in showing our gratitude to the important people in our lives, but we hoped they felt our love and thanks all the same.

It was a wonderful evening full of love, laughs, and tears.  After lots of hugs and kisses, Mr. Ball Cap and I climbed into our car for our last moments together as an unmarried couple.  I drove him to his dad's house and I had to fight back tears as I hugged and kissed him goodbye, and told him I'd see him at the altar.  Back at my house, my sister and I snuggled into bed and I prayed for a good night's sleep, for tomorrow, I'd be a bride!

Up Next:  Hair and Makeup

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