Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunhats at Secrets: We Arrive!

The weekend before Memorial Day, Mr. Ball Cap and I set off for a week long honeymoon in Rivera Cancun.  I can't tell you how much we were looking forward to doing a whole lot of relaxing.  After the wedding, an insane tax season for me, and an intensive job search for Mr. BC (he landed one!), we just wanted to soak up some sun and focus on nothing but each other. 

This place delivered.

One of eight pools!

We arrived at Secrets Silversands Resort late Friday afternoon, and due to booking our flights last minute, we had a lay over which resulted in a long day of flying.  Mr. BC was pretty tired when we arrived.

But once we were escorted to our room, our spirits perked up quite a bit - it was heaven!

Balcony lounging - got in some late afternoon reading out here.

View from our balcony.

Pool below our balcony - this couple looked too perfect to not photograph!

Loved the jacuzzi tub - you could still see out to the ocean while you relaxed in tons of bubbles.

Loved the open shower.

As we unpacked, there was a knock at our door and we were presented with lots of goodies!

Super yummy champagne, strawberries, and apples.

Fresh rose petals - I couldn't stop smelling them!

Honeymoon banner on our door.

See the smaller, square door to the left?  That was our secret "box."  If we ordered room service or needed supplies, but didn't want to answer our door, the staff would place our items in that door.  The inside of our room had a similar door we could access without ever seeing anyone face to face (or bother getting dressed!).  It was so nice.  We definitely took advantage of several late night room service deliveries!  In fact, we were so tired when we arrived that after a quick walk around the resort, we ordered up room service and managed to scarf it down before zonking out for the night.


Up Next: We eat, and eat, and eat, and eat!

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