Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Made in the Shade: We Rehearse

On Friday evening, December 30th, friends and family gathered at our church, St. Andrew the Apostle, to rehearse for the ceremony.  We were fortunate to also have our talented photographer, Stephen Martin, on hand for the evening.

Dad and I got the party started, complete with a bouquet made from bows from our shower gifts.

Father was all business during our rehearsal and really stressed the importance of what we were about to do.  He did a wonderful job at explaining the meaning of the ceremony and many of our non-Catholic friends and family commented that they really enjoyed feeling so included process.  

After we practiced, we headed over to the local American Legion for dinner and drinks.  It was a great time to relax and mingle with everyone. 

I surprised Mr. Ball Cap and had a cake made for him in the likeness of the Wrigley Field Stadium sign - it was a hit!

Excuse the hearts added to cover our last name!*

We had a Polish buffet for dinner complete with fried chicken, mashed potatoes, sausage and sauerkraut, green beans and more!  I was so busy mingling and having fun that it never crossed my mind to take pictures.  Thankfully MOB captured a few.

Mr. Ball Cap and I with our new Bride and Groom cups.*

Aunts from the Carolinas.*

Dad and Uncle having a crazy good time!*

Next Up:  Bridal Party and Parent gifts

*Personal photos.  All other images by Stephen Martin Photography.

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