Monday, December 31, 2012

My Sunhat Off to You

Happy New Year's Eve, Hive! 

One year ago today, I put on the most beautiful gown I've ever worn,

arrived at our gorgeous church,

and married the love of my life.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Made in the Shade: Party Like It's 2012!

After we rang in the new year, the party kept on going!  The DJ turned the music up and some of the guests went a little nuts with props that had found their way to the dance floor.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Made in the Shade: Happy New Year!

You can't get married on New Year's Eve and not have a big countdown at midnight!

Once the goody table was set up, our guests snatched up beads, hats and blowers, and the anticipation in the room started to build.  I put on the beautiful mask I purchased just for this moment, and glasses of champagne and strawberries were passed around.

Friday, November 2, 2012

Made in the Shade: Polish Traditions

Ball Cap and I are both of Polish heritage, and we wanted to incorporate a few traditions into our wedding day.  We had already served our guests some Polish dishes with dinner, but there were three things I clearly remember from Polish weddings I attended as a kid that we wanted to include during the night. 

The first was the removal of the bride's veil and an apron tied around her waist. Traditionally, this took place on the first day of the Polish couple's two day wedding celebration, and it symbolized the bride giving up her innocence and accepting her duties as a wife, mother, and hostess.  The removal is done by a married woman, or in my experience, my mother.

I took my place on a chair in the middle of the dance floor.  I completely forgot that I should have been sitting on Ball Cap's lap for this part!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Made in the Shade: Bouquet & Garter Toss

The bouquet and garter toss can cause quite a debate in the wedding planning community.  Should you do it or not?  Is it outdated?  Does it isolate and embarrass the single folk?

I can understand both sides of the argument, but the thing is, I really wanted to toss that thing!  I've been on the receiving end more times than I can count, and I wasn't about to pass up my one chance to be the girl who gets to chuck the bouquet. Not only that, Ball Cap definitely wanted to do the garter toss - he was all about it!

We thought long and hard about our song choices.  Ball Cap wanted something he could really get down to.  "Mannish Boy" by Muddy Waters couldn't have been more perfect. 

Video via

Ball Cap started struttin' his stuff.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Made in the Shade: Get Your Booty on the Dance Floor

It was finally time to bust a move!  The DJ cranked the music and everyone piled on to the dance floor.  I will let the pictures speak for themselves!

MOB and her daddy cuttin' a rug!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Made in the Shade: Unexpected Photobooth

Before the party really got started, and dancing took over the evening, our photographer set up a backdrop, and anyone that wanted a formal picture could take advantage.  And boy oh boy did our guests jump in on that action!

Ball Cap and his family - gotta love the sassy pose by Sister A and the silliness of our Best Man!