Monday, November 12, 2012

Made in the Shade: Party Like It's 2012!

After we rang in the new year, the party kept on going!  The DJ turned the music up and some of the guests went a little nuts with props that had found their way to the dance floor.

MOB and Aunt S jammin'!  MOB may have gotten teased about strummin' the wrong side of the guitar!

Ball Cap and I couldn't resist!

It was getting late and I was finally feeling the effects of the long day.  It was so hard to leave as we didn't want the night to end!  We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day and appreciated all of our friends and family who came out to celebrate such an important time in our lives.  We can't thank them enough.

Ball Cap and I took one final look around, trying to soak up every last emotion, and headed out to start 2012 as husband and wife.

To think that it was almost a year ago shocks us both.  But I'm not leaving you all just yet!  I have a couple more things to share before signing off (*tear).

What's the latest you've ever partied at a wedding? 

All images by Stephen Martin Photography

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