Monday, December 31, 2012

My Sunhat Off to You

Happy New Year's Eve, Hive! 

One year ago today, I put on the most beautiful gown I've ever worn,

arrived at our gorgeous church,

and married the love of my life.

We ate cake,

danced until our feet hurt,

and rang in 2012 as newlyweds!

It was a day that we will never forget and still talk about maybe more than we should!

My journey was made all the more special by being a part of this amazing, beautiful, wonderful, community known as Weddingbee.  You supported me, offered advice, and just listened when I needed an ear.  I will hold you all close to my heart and cherish the friendships and bonds I've made along the way.

The start of a new year feels so refreshing.  We all have a clean slate, a new beginning, a time to improve, grow and learn.  I decided that instead of having a list of resolutions, for 2013, I would focus on one word:  CREATE. 

2013 is my year of creation.  I want to create more love, kindness, and happiness in the world around me.  I want to create a healthy environment to improve myself both physically and spiritually.  I want to create beauty in this world by taking the time to actually see appreciate the beauty around me.  And, maybe most importantly, I want to create and expand our loving family with my husband.

To my husband:  You have taught me so much this past year and have helped me grow to be a better person.  I truly feel closer to you each and every day and I am beyond excited to see what our future brings.  Thank you for always supporting me and allowing me to share our beautiful journey with everyone here.  We faced many challenges this past year, but we kicked some major butt along the way.  You are my person.  Thank you for loving me.  xoxo

So, my dear hive, I take my sunhat off to you, and say farewell.

Wishing you a very happy and blessed new year ~ Sunhat


  1. Oh my beautiful goodness! Is that church in Indiana? It is beyond lovely. You were such a pretty bride. That dress is gorgeous.

    When Mr. Decor and I married 15 years ago it was the day before Easter and the altar was covered in lilies. I can't tell you how much we saved on flowers. You too? :)

    Happy Anniversary!

    1. Thank you so much! It's actually in Calumet City, IL. Our reception was in IN.

      Yeah - flowers were not super important to me. I made my bouquet and the bridesmaids' bouquets which saved a ton. No need to decorate the church!
