Thursday, November 1, 2012

Made in the Shade: Bouquet & Garter Toss

The bouquet and garter toss can cause quite a debate in the wedding planning community.  Should you do it or not?  Is it outdated?  Does it isolate and embarrass the single folk?

I can understand both sides of the argument, but the thing is, I really wanted to toss that thing!  I've been on the receiving end more times than I can count, and I wasn't about to pass up my one chance to be the girl who gets to chuck the bouquet. Not only that, Ball Cap definitely wanted to do the garter toss - he was all about it!

We thought long and hard about our song choices.  Ball Cap wanted something he could really get down to.  "Mannish Boy" by Muddy Waters couldn't have been more perfect. 

Video via

Ball Cap started struttin' his stuff.

He even attempted the worm!

He loved every second of this!

For my song selection, I knew I wasn't going with more recent popular choice, "Single Ladies," but wanted something fun and funky to get the girls out on the floor. The Beastie Boys have yet to let me down!

"Hey Ladies!" via

I got some serious air with that toss!

Do you think she was happy she caught it?!

Our "winners," MOH Sister and Ball Cap's sister's boyfriend, D.

We had no regrets in choosing to do the tosses and our guests had a great time too!  Are you doing a bouquet & garter toss or will you be having something different?

All images by:  Stephen Martin Photography

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