Thursday, October 25, 2012

Made in the Shade: Unexpected Photobooth

Before the party really got started, and dancing took over the evening, our photographer set up a backdrop, and anyone that wanted a formal picture could take advantage.  And boy oh boy did our guests jump in on that action!

Ball Cap and his family - gotta love the sassy pose by Sister A and the silliness of our Best Man!

Bridesmaid S!

Ball Cap's brother's family.

My parents.

Ball Cap's dad and Mom P.
Even Ball Cap and I snuck in a few shots.

The thoughtful groom.

Our guests loved having the opportunity to get a formal (or not so formal!) photograph and it was fun for us to see all of the interesting poses! 

Up Next:  Get Your Booty on the Dance Floor
All images by:  Stephen Martin Photography

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