Thursday, October 25, 2012

Made in the Shade: Blessings and Toasts

I apologize for the break in my recap posting.  Life has dealt us some curve balls lately, but I'm ready to get back to it and share more wedding goodness with the hive!

Once the first dances were over, it was time to get our grub on!  The bridal party was seated at the head tables and my Uncle Mark did us the honor of giving the blessing before the meal.

Sipping from our mustache and lips toasting flutes.

As you can see from the pic above, the 'girls' were sort of wanting to get in on the party action.  My dress was quite heavy and probably should have been re-laced when I got the reception.  It had loosened up a bit from sitting and moving around, but I wasn't about to take time out to mess with it.  I apologize for the cleavage flashing!

Once the salad course had been served to all our guests, Ball Cap's brother and best man took the mic for his speech.  He was so nervous! 

His speech was very sweet and I'm proud to be able to call him my brother.

Cheers!  You can see SIL A in the upper left showing signs of tears - she cried at both speeches!
My MOH sister was up next.

She just had to include the story when I ran her over with my bicycle when we were kids.  I was learning how to ride my first adult sized bike and she got in the way!

Finally my dad took the mic and offered his blessings and congratulations - along with a request to get busy giving him a grandchild!

Up Next:  Unexpected Photobooth

All images by:  Stephen Martin Photography
Miss a Sunhat Recap?


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