Thursday, September 13, 2012

Made in the Shade: First Dances

Ball Cap and I had a difficult time deciding on a song for our first dance.  The problem was that we didn't have one song that we considered to be "our" song - we had several!  After some deliberation, we narrowed in down to two - Jack Johnson's Better Together and Coldplay's Sparks. 

Ball Cap is a huge Coldplay fan and we just recently went to their concert in Chicago (amazing by the way!).  Before I met him, I had no clue who Jack Johnson was (I apparently lived in a hole).  Both artists and their songs have built the soundtrack to our relationship.

It felt wrong to choose one song over the other, so why not dance to both?  I e-mailed our DJ and we decided to dance to the first half of Better Together and the second half of Sparks. Our DJ did a great job and the transition was seamless.

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Song transitioned around the 2:15 mark

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Song picked up around the 1:50 mark

We talked, we laughed, we had the time of our lives.

Ball Cap tried to throw in some fancy steps.

And when you are wearing the dress of your dreams, you have to twirl.

I was actually a little nervous to dance with my dad.  I had stayed fairly composed througout the day, but knew that if there was one moment I'd lose it, it would be during my dance with him.  Well, I wasn't wrong!

If you remember from this post, I let my dad choose the song we'd dance to.  At first, he chose Somewhere Over the Rainbow.  I guess that choice wasn't sitting quite right with him so he did a little researching on his own.  He finally decided on Ray Allaire's A Song For My Daughter.  I still can't listen to it without bawling!

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 I'm concentrating here - trying not to cry.

But once dad pulled me in closer, we both cried.

It was a dance I will never forget.

Up Next: Toasts and Dinner

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