Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Mini Moon Part Two

I discussed the first part of our mini moon here

We arrived at the Kingsley Inn a little early on our check-in day.  We dropped off our bags and decided to head over to Saugatuck to see the town and see what was open.  I've been to Saugatuck during the summer and it is hoppin' with people, but on a Monday in January?  Not so much.  That didn't matter one bit to us.  We drove through the town and already started discussing the things we'd do when we came back in the warmer months.

Although most of the shops weren't open, several restaurants were, so we decided on The Butler, situated right on the lake.

Mr. Ball Cap had a Butler Burger - A 1/2 lb. of ground sirloin, topped with melted cheese, grilled ham, (Yes - HAM!), lettuce and mayo, served on a sesame seed bun with potato chips and a pickle.  I had myself a good 'ol cheeseburger.  Crazy me didn't think to snap a picture of our delicious meal, but I did take a picture of my dream house.

Looks like an amazing home to host a wedding!

Look at all of those windows - I would totally have someone else clean them all of course! 

On the way back to the B&B we decided to stop at the Blue Star Antique Pavilion.  This was our first experience antiquing and I think we may have found a new hobby!  I never thought this would be something we'd enjoy.  There was so much to look at.  The Pavilion has over 175 dealer booths so there was a ton of variety.  No way was I leaving empty handed!  Recently, I've developed an obsessions with owls.  When I first spotted this napkin holder, I wasn't sure I really needed it, but it was in my hands by the time we were done.

I've also started collecting piggy banks and nabbed this little cutie:

Mr. Ball Cap is ready to hit up some of our local antique places to see what other treasures we can find.  We recently painted our kitchen the orange color you see in the pics above.  We don't have anything on the walls right now and hope future antiquing trips will provide some unique decor options.

By the time we were done antiquing, it was snowing pretty heavily so we headed back to our room.

The next day, we took a drive to Holland, MI and walked through the downtown area.  We stopped in a few candy and chocolate shops and walked away with this:

Yep - a humongous turtle the size of my palm!  It was delicious and I may have eaten most of it myself.

For lunch, we drove back to Fennville and dined at Crane's Pie Pantry Restaurant and Bakery. 

Apple orchards

The inside of the restaurant is full of history, antiques and kitsch galore!  There was something to see in every corner.

We barely took any photos of ourselves!

Mr. BC ordered a bowl of chili and we both had a roast beef panini with an amazing horseradish sauce.  I plowed through half of my sandwich before remember to snap a pic!

Great chili - was a little sweet rather than spicy. 

We had big plans to eat steak and lobster for every meal but I can't say we really missed going out for a fancy dinner.  At least for me, knowing that all the planning was over really allowed me to relax and unwind and I didn't care what we were doing.  I think it all caught up with us both that second night.  We ate at a Mexican restaurant a block up from the B&B for dinner and I did take a few pictures of us both, but I'm not posting them here for a reason - they are awful.  We look so exhausted and the bags under our eyes are huge.  I guess we should have taken a lot more naps!

I loved our mini moon.  It was low key, laid back, and very little planning was required.  We had no schedule to keep other than making it to breakfast on time each morning.  I'm so happy we took these few days to get away as newlyweds.  Mr. BC even commented that I was being such a peach.  I know he is thrilled the crazy bridal mood swings are over!  Now if I get a little grouchy he just yells "rotten peach!" and I immediately crack up.

We haven't booked our big honeymoon trip quite yet but I'm so looking forward to it.  I need new motivation to keep on track to meet my weight loss goal and a smokin' hot bathing suit ought to do it!

Are you going on a mini moon now and honeymoon later?

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