Sunday, December 11, 2011

Off to the Races!

Last Saturday, December 3rd, bridesmaids, family and friends helped to throw me the coolest bachelorette party.

How cool you ask?  Take a look at this!

This is NOT a photoshopped picture!  I will get to the details behind this in a minute.

The evening started at my home where I was greeted by a house full of ladies after my makeup trial.  We gathered in the den where I opened a few belated shower gifts and was presented with some attire for the night - including the best hat ever!!

My sister added the veil and embellishments.

A musical bouquet to take along for the night.

Grinning with my new hat and shower gift.

I was then informed that we would be heading to Balmoral Race Park where we had our own suite reserved.  I was excited and ready to bet on some horses!

The third race of the evening was called 'Lisa's Racing to the Altar' and it was even listed in the program!

Our suite windows faced the finish line!

In line ready to make our bets!

One of the coolest things that happened was I got to ride in the lead car around the entire track!  I was able to choose one person to go with so I picked my sister (MOH).  We climbed in the car and drove 3/4 of the way around the track and waited for the horses and drivers (harness racing) to line up.  We faced backwards so we were able to see the horses up close.  The lead car started down the track keeping all of the horses lined up behind the gate, and as soon as we hit the start line, we sped up and veered off to the side.  The car then drove along the outside of the track, next to the horses, so we got to see the action as close as possible.  A judge rode in the back with us to monitor the race and make sure things remained fair.

Exiting the car - working the wind!

After we exited the car, they brought the winning horse to the winner's circle and our entire group got to take the first photo above.  The winner, Jitterbug Jack, was such a good horse and remained patient while we lined up.

After the car ride, it was time for gifts.  Bridesmaid S went to an adult store and bought a grab bag.  She had no idea what was in it, but it was a blast opening it and getting quite embarrassed!  Most of the items were WAY too naughty to share here!

Laughing and embarrassed by the grab bag!

Candy tassels!

Bridesmaid Y brought the yummiest cupcake cake.  It could be that I hadn't had sweets in over 2 months, but it was the best cupcake I have ever had!

Each and every one of us rocked a hat for the races.

Me and the amazing MOB!

My future MIL and two sisters-in-law

Bridesmaid Y

Bridesmaid A and her colorful hat!

Bridesmaid S

Future SIL who is expecting with our new niece or nephew!


After the track, a handful of us ventured to a local bar.  I hopped on the dance floor and didn't leave for 3 hours!
Breakin' it down to the Cupid Shuffle.

The night was more than I could have ever asked for. It was such a great time and letting me wear an awesome hat all night was just too perfect.  My girls know me well!  My sister worked so hard and pulled off a night I will never forget.

Did you do anything nontraditional for your bachelorette?

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