Thursday, June 23, 2011

My First Post!

Welcome to my blog! 

This is my first blog and first post!  I'm going to be straight with you from the start that I know very little about the technical side of blogging.  I hope to learn as I go during this process and enjoy it to the fullest!

So why start blogging?  Well, I've been stalking following the best wedding blog out there for about a year now (never mind the fact I've only been engaged for 8 months!) and it has inspired me to take up blogging to share my experiences while planning me and and the Mr.'s New Year's Eve wedding!  What's this fantastic wedding blog I speak of?  Only the amazing!

The blog is updated daily by real brides and chronicles their wedding planning tales from engagement to happily ever after.  In order to share your tale as a "Bee," you apply to the site and share you personal blog so they can gauge your writing style, personality, and topics you like to blog about.  If you are accepted as a Bee, you get to choose an adorable icon to represent yourself such as:  Miss Barrette, Miss Ferris Wheel or Miss Oyster!  A new generation of icons is introduced as the old generations are spoken for and the newest one was just announced!  The tea party icons are the perfect addition to the site.  Soon we'll be seeing the likes of Miss Tea Kettle, Miss Doily and Miss Teaspoon sharing their stories and ideas.

Although I'm not yet 100% convinced I'll apply to try and become a Bee someday, I thought I'd give this blogging thing a go and see where it takes me!

I hope to share with you my journey through planning our dream wedding - the good, the bad and the ugly!  There will be a lot of missteps along the way I'm sure, but I hope to look back on this and remember the journey we took during this time.

Thank you so much for following along!

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