Monday, October 10, 2011

90210 - Zip Code Woes

I miss this show, don't you?  And not the re-make either, although I haven't watched it so I don't have much of an opinion on it.  I miss Brenda, Brandon, Dylan, Kelly, Donna, David, Andrea and even Steve. 

But this post really has nothing to do with that famous zip code and instead deals with my own zip code issues.

I just had to go and say in an earlier post that the invitation process was going smoothly.  JINX!  I found an error.  It's not a huge error, at least it could be worse. 

Our reception venue and the hotel we have reserved for our guests are located in the same city.  I thought I had double checked everything but I somehow failed to notice that they do not have the same zip code for their address!  The city is not that huge so I'm shocked it even has more than one zip code.

I first noticed the error when half of the maps were printed.  I was willing to let that go but then I checked the reception cards we had already printed and assembled and it was wrong on there too!  I was so frustrated.  I just knew the whole process had been too easy!

We didn't have enough of the cream paper to finish the maps anyways so MOB went ahead and ordered more.  I was really debating leaving things as they were since the zip code issue wasn't going to cause our guests to not be able to find our venue.  I'm glad MOB pushed me to reprint them.  She knew I wouldn't really be happy in the end if that zip code wasn't correct!  We plan to finish these bad boys up this weekend.  I'll be happy to check that off the to-do list.

Want a sneak peak at this labor of love?

Personal pic at MOB's house

If you look closely, you can see a hint of my bouquet in progress!  I just need to purchase some ribbon to finish the handle off and then I can share it with you.

Are you making your wedding invitations yourself?  Any big mistakes or setbacks during the process?

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